Menstrual Problems: Addressing Women's Health
Menstrual Health: A Neglected Priority
Menstrual health comprises the physical, social, and mental aspects related to menstruation or periods. In India, women's health has been given secondary importance due to a male-dominant society, illiteracy, low socio-economic conditions, and ignorance. The most common causes of menstrual problems are PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and abnormal menstrual flow or heavy menstrual bleeding.
Menstrual Hygiene: A Neglected Issue
Menstruation or monthly periods have been associated with a lot of social and cultural taboos in India. Many young girls and women do not have facilities to manage their menses hygienically, maintaining their privacy, dignity, and gender equality at home, schools, and workplaces.
Normal Menstrual Cycle
A normal menstrual period lasts from 2-7 days and comes at an interval of 21-35 days. It is difficult to quantify the actual menstrual flow, but in general, the use of three to four XL or regular-size sanitary pads per day (since they need to be changed every six to eight hours) can be considered normal on an average, but it may vary depending on the individual.
Menstrual Hygiene-Related Problems
Use of unclean sanitary pads or clothes can give rise to Genital Tract Infections, anaemia, and Urinary Tract Infection. This can be prevented by social awareness and easy availability of affordable sanitary products. It is also important to have the right knowledge about menstrual hygiene and menstrual health to avoid such issues.
Menstrual Flow-Related Problems
One can experience excess or scanty flow during periods. Usually, heavy menstrual flow can be for 1-2 days, but if it continues for more than 5-7 days, it can lead to low haemoglobin and anaemia, which needs to be investigated and treated. The less flow or change in flow over years can be due to hormonal imbalance, mostly after the completion of family in the perimenopausal age.
Menstrual Cycle-Related Problems
Irregular periods, skipping or not getting periods for more than six months (also known as secondary amenorrhoea), and bleeding in between periods (called inter menstrual bleeding) are a few problems under this type of cycle problems. The most common cause for this is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), stress, anxiety, and depression.
Menstrual Hormone-Related Problems
This usually gives rise to psychomotor issues, such as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) at any age group or peri/postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms after the age of 45. If they are affecting your day-to-day family life, then it needs to be treated.
Seeking Professional Help
No matter which type of menstrual problem you're facing, it is always advisable to visit a gynaecologist who will be able to identify all your queries after making the right diagnosis to boost your menstrual health.